Interviewer - Server Admin > User administration > Managing customer accounts > Customizing customer accounts > Changing the display name image
Changing the display name image
By default, the display name image is 35px tall. Depending on the browser width, this image will disappear if it begins to crowd the other banner elements. You can upload the customized image via the Edit Customer Account dialog. It is recommended that the image height does not exceed 35px. However, if you want a shorter image, you should specify the appropriate styling in the .css file in order to keep the image positioned properly, for example::
IsaBanner1_bannerContainer is the ID of the display name image
HH is the new image height
H is half the height of the new image
The new image can be any image mime type, although it is easier to use a mime type that supports transparency (such a .png).
See also
Customizing customer accounts