What's new > What's new in previous releases > Version 7.0.1 > What's new in UNICOM Intelligence Professional
What's new in UNICOM Intelligence Professional
UNICOM Intelligence Professional 7.0.1
Support for Brazilian Portuguese: The user interface controls and messages are now available in Brazilian Portuguese.
Activation: When activating projects, the Calling Rules > Ordering settings now provides options for defining which sample fields are used for ordering the queue records, adding new queue order rules, and deleting queue order rules. For more information, see Calling Rules - Ordering.
Personal interviewing
GPS feature: This feature allows surveys to record the geolocation information for personal interviews. The feature is used when performing personal interviews in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer.
Recording: This feature supports the recording of Personal interviews (the entire interview or individual questions). The implementation is similar to audio recording for phone interviews.
Image Capture: This feature supports the capture of image files in personal interviews. The feature is used when performing personal interviews in Interviewer.
What's new in Interview Scripting 7.0.1
Interview Services
The new Interview Services features provide options for defining and configuring external web services that can be used in the routing script. The IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services service type provides advanced real-time scoring and text analytics capabilities and can greatly improve respondent interactions. The Salesforce service type is a COM-callable proxy for the Salesforce.com web service. Some examples of how these services can be used are:
Using Interview Services
Creating and using Interview Services
Interview Services object model
Geolocation question templates
You can now create question templates that use HTML 5 geolocation features. See Creating geolocation question templates for more information.
Browser capabilities detection start page example
A Browser Capabilities detection start page example is installed with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library at [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\Interview\Frequently Asked Questions\Browser capabilities and respondent IP address. The example files, provide a template for implementing project start pages that capture respondent browser capabilities. The browser information can be used to perform auto post-back by adding BrowserCapabilities to the query string. For more information, see the comments in start.html.
New object model documentation
The following object have been added to support Interview Services:
Interview Services Object Model
Provides support for defining and configuring external web services that can be used in the routing script. See Interview Services object model for more information.
CaDSClient Interview Services Object Model
The IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Interview Service type provides advanced real-time scoring and text analytics capabilities and can greatly improve respondent interactions. New samples are included to demonstrate the new object model's features. For more information, see CaDSClient Interview Services object model and CaDSClient Interview Services object model.
Salesforce Interview Services Object Model
The Salesforce Interview Service is a COM-callable proxy for the Salesforce.com web service. For more information, see Salesforce Interview Services object model and Salesforce Interview Service.
Database Connection Interview Services Object Model
The Database Connection Interview Service allows ADO database connections to be shared between multiple running interviews. This helps improve performance and scalability for interview scripts, that use direct database access, by eliminating the need for each script to individually connect to a database. For more information, see Database Connection Interview Services object model and Database Connection Interview Service.
Default layout template updates
The default layout template is designed to eliminate fixed widths and provides the fluidity required for adaptation to any browser window size. The template utilizes various CSS style sheets in order to ensure specific content behavior in relation to the specific web browser (re-size in relation to the browser window size, prevent zooming, use media queries, and so on). The template also provides JavaScript support for web browsers that do not support media queries, the default layout template utilizes a JavaScript file that provides similar user experience when compared to using media queries. See Default layout template for more information.
For more information on working with sample scripts, see ‘Sample mrScriptBasic Files’ in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
What’s new in Sample Management for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 7.0.1
The sample management scripts have been updated to support new 7.0.1 features. If you have existing projects that use pre-version 5.6 sample management scripts, the new features may not be recognized.
Changes to multimode_sample.mrs
The sample script has been modified as follows:
Added support for personal interviewing.
Added support for reviewing web and personal records, including removing review rules (review rules are not longer hard-coded in the Review Interviews activity).
Added a stub for modifying web records after they have been selected.
Changes to basic_sample.mrs
The sample script has been modified as follows:
Added support for reviewing web records.
Added a stub for modifying web records after they have been selected.
Added support for the FailedScreener return code.
New personal_sample.mrs script
The new sample management script is suitable for personal face to face interviews conducted by interviewers in homes or other locations. See Scripts in the UNICOM Intelligence Sample Management folder for more information.
InterviewMode column
The InterviewMode column in the Sample table has been updated to use Phone, instead of the previous Web CATI, for outbound telephone interviewing. InterviewMode can now be set by the script as Phone, Web, or Personal.See Sample table for more information.
The InterviewMode column is now included in the History table. See History table for more information.
Support for project chaining
Chaining is defined as using a primary project to start off a chain of projects without the respondent (or interviewer) being aware of the switch between projects. Chaining can be used to provide the best projects for a particular user or to setup omnibus style interviews where a single respondent is interviewed for several clients. See Chaining projects for phone (CATI) interviews for more information.
See also
Version 7.0.1