Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Distributed Property Management (DPM) > Site properties
Site properties
Site properties specify settings that apply to your whole site. You can change their values using DPM Explorer.
Abandons an email job when the LastKeepAliveTime has not been updated in the last AbandonedTaskInterval (in minutes). The object model automatically sends another batch at the NextDueTime. The default value is 60 (minutes).
The names of subfolders that the activation process will ignore when asked to copy subfolders. The defaults are CacheDir, Logs, and Temp.
The number of hours that an activity's record should remain in the session file before being moved to the history file. The default is one hour. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
Controls whether or not interviewers are prompted to ask contacts for permission to record interviews. The default value is True.
When set to True, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing is enabled for the entire site. The MultiInstance property continues to be used to setup application specific load balancing. The default setting is True, which is also the case when the property is not set.
When the InterviewBuilder application's MultiInstance property is set to True, load balancing for InterviewBuilder is enabled. When the ManageFiles application's MultiInstance property is set to False, load balancing for ManageFiles is disabled.
Performs the same function as the ApplicationSettings Element, except the settings are applied at the site level.
The ApplicationSettings element's LoadingScript property can be set to override the ApplicationLoadingScript property for a specific Interviewer Server Administration activity. For more information about the LoadingScript property, see Load balancing.
Sets each application's timeout value. The default value is 5000 milliseconds, which is also the case when the property is not set.
The ApplicationSettings element's Timeout property can be set to effectively override the ApplicationTimeout property. For more information about the Timeout property, see Load balancing.
The UNC pathname of the folder to use for backing up project folders.
The default is \\ServerName\SPSSMR_FMROOT\Shared\Backups.
The script to run when a user deletes a project from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
Controls creation of a dummy connection to the CacheAceProvider.mdb file that in this folder:
[InstallFolder]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server\Server
This connection is created and held open when the interviewer session engine starts. It prevents the ACE OLE DB provider from unloading while the session engine is running. This works around an issue in the ACE OLE DB provider where a crash can occur if the provider is unloaded.
The default value is True.
By default, the name of the personal project fields that can be displayed in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows.
By default, the name of the personal project fields that can be edited in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows.
The fields that must be present in participant records for personal interviewing projects.
The names of the predefined queues for telephone interviewing projects. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
The number of days that CATI session records can remain in a history table.
The fields that must be present in participant records for telephone projects.
The name of the personal project fields that can be tabulated in the Interviewer Server Report activity (by default).
The name of the telephone project fields that can be tabulated in the Interviewer Server Report activity (by default).
The name of the sample management project fields that can be tabulated in the Interviewer Server Report activity (by default).
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin UploadFolder
The name of the folder into which temporary files might be loaded by applications that have to upload files locally (a typical example is the Dialer Administration activity that needs a temporary location for the .xsl configuration file).
The default is c:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\Temp.
The URL for starting UNICOM Intelligence interviews.
True if UNICOM Intelligence interview scripts are supported, otherwise False.
Suppresses automatic jump to next question when a single-choice answer is selected (the user must select an answer and then press Enter).
The user name that is used to send emails, when authentication is required.
Defines the email delivery method. Valid values are 0 (network delivery) and 1 (specified pickup directory). When the value is set as 1, the property uses the directory that is defined for the EmailPickupDirectory property. The default value is 0. The property applies to both Send now and Schedule email tasks.
The password that is used to send emails, when authentication is required.
Specifies a directory to store emails for the pickup delivery method (EmailDeliveryMethod). The property applies to both Send now and Schedule email tasks.
The name of the server that the Email activity should use for sending messages.
Controls whether SSL is used when sending email (true or false).
The expression string used for email validation. When the value is missing, email addresses are not validated and a warning log is written. The default value is *@-.-.
The server name that is used to send emails
The port on the email server to be used for sending messages. The default is port 25.
The URL of the FileManagerWebService.
For more information, see “File Manager Web Service Component” in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library .
The local path to FMRoot. See the topic for more information.
The UNC path of the FMRoot folder.
Files that can be activated into FMRoot’s top-level folder. This applies only when a custom Activate document names FMRoot as the destination folder. The default is .mdd files only.
Determines whether the cross project view is generated during activation for a CATI project, or a CAPI with sample project. When set to false, cross project views are not generated during activation. The default value is true.
Defines the unavailable instances expiry time for the application instance balancer on accessory servers. Unavailable instances are not retried before the expiry value is reached.
When set to zero (0), all instances, including unavailable instances are retried.
For instances that are been marked as unavailable, setting the value to 0 does not allow the instances to be retried until the expiry time is reached (or unless IIS resetted).
The following values (in minutes) are supported:
0: All instances are retried, including unavailable instances.
>0: Sets the expiry time for unavailable instances. The instances are not be retried until the expiry time is reached.
The UNC path to the image cache. For more information, see Image/Template cache.
The pathname of the configuration file that controls access to sample management scripts during activation. The default is FMRoot\Shared\Config\Interview.Config.xml in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin installation folder. For more information, see Controlling access to sample management scripts.
The file types to be copied when a UNICOM Intelligence project is activated.
Files that can be activated into the Project folder on each of the interviewing servers. The default is .mdd files only.
The names of the fields required for activation with sample management.
The minimum number of seconds that the phone must ring before a call can be disconnected.
Defines the default interview recording value. The default value is 0.
0 - No default value. Interviewers must manually select a value.
1 - Agree
2 - Disagree
Defines the common reporting periods for all users when there are no existing reporting periods.
The site name.
The fields to display on the View tab in the Participants activity. The system defaults are Id, Queue, RecallTime, AppointmentTime, TryCount, AppointmentTryCount, TimeZone, and CallOutcome.
There is no requirement for all fields to be present in a project's sample file, so this list works equally well for Web and telephone interviewing projects.
Defines the percentage of surveys that will be recorded. The default value is 0.
Controls the table size in Survey Reporter Server Edition. When Survey Reporter Server Edition starts, the TabulationWebService reads the DPM PopulateWarning limit (the default value is 10,000 cells) and passes the value to the application.
When tables are populated in Survey Reporter Server Edition, to total number of cells are calculated and if the cell limit (as defined by PopulateWarning) is reached, the following message displays:
This table, or set of tables, is very large and will take a long time to populate. You can shorten the population time by reducing the number of tables, or reduce the size of individual tables by removing variables, elements, or levels of nesting.
Choose Cancel to edit the tables, or OK to start the long population interval.
The name of the primary DPM server.
A regular expression that filters the roles available for assignment in Activate, Project Editor, and Promote Project.
The default value is no filter, which displays all roles.
Indicates whether the recording is started when the sample is retrieved or after the survey starts.
False: Recording starts when the sample is retrieved.
True: Recording starts when the interview starts.
The pathname of the sample management configuration file. The default is FMRoot\Shared\Config\SampleMgtGUI.Config.xml in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin installation folder. For more information, see Controlling access to sample data.
The name of the database containing the session tables; the default is mrUserData. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
The name of the database server; the default is the one that stores the mrUserData database. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
The number of days that records can remain in a history table. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
Updates the scheduling tables every TaskTableUpdateFrequency (in minutes). This includes updating the SendEmailHistory table with the latest SuccessfulEmailCount/FailedEmailCount, and updating the ScheduleTask.LastKeepAliveTime.
Controls whether the interview session token is tracked in the DataCollection.InterviewerID system variable. When TrackWebSessions is set to 1, the interview sessions token is written to DataCollection.InterviewerID; when set to 0, the interview sessions token is not written to DataCollection.InterviewerID. This property prevents multiple sessions from being started concurrently against the same respondent ID.
Controls whether the HTML template is validated during project activation.
True indicates that the HTML template is validated during project activation.
False indicates that the HTML template is not validated during project activation.
The names of the predefined queues for inbound calling projects. For more information, see Queues.
See also
Database properties
Property collections at the site level
Server properties
Project properties
Sample management properties
DPM Explorer
See also
Distributed Property Management (DPM)