Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > mrScript MDSC
mrScript MDSC
mrScript MDSC (mrScriptMDSC.dll) is an UNICOM Intelligence metadata source component (MDSC) that converts metadata that has been written in mrScriptMetadata to an MDM document and vice versa. See also mrScriptMetadata User's Guide.
mrScriptMetadata is a fast and easy way of creating metadata using a script and has been designed for use with the following products:
UNICOM Intelligence Professional
In this product you can use mrScriptMetadata to create new variables for a project, typically (but not necessarily) filters and other derived variables for use during analysis. Specifically, you use mrScriptMetadata in the Metadata Section of the DataManagementScript (DMS) file. These files usually have a .dms filename extension.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
You are able to use mrScriptMetadata, mrScriptBasic, and the Interview Object Model to script questionnaires in UNICOM Intelligence Professional that can then be activated in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer. You will use mrScriptMetadata to define the questions and you will use mrScriptBasic and the Interview Object Model to define the questionnaire routing. The mrScriptMetadata will appear in the Metadata Section of the InterviewScript file. These files typically have an .mdd filename extension.
mrScript MDSC capabilities
mrScript MDSC has two capabilities:
mrScript MDSC: Reading mrScriptMetadata
mrScript MDSC: Writing mrScriptMetadata
See also
mrScriptMetadata User's Guide
Available DSCs