Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > mrScript MDSC > mrScript MDSC: Reading mrScriptMetadata
mrScript MDSC: Reading mrScriptMetadata
mrScript MDSC can read mrScriptMetadata in the Metadata Section of a DataManagementScript (.dms) or InterviewScript (.mdd) file. The files can be in ASCII or UTF-8 format. However, UTF-8 format is required if the file contains any non-Western European characters.
DMS files
The Metadata Section in a DataManagementScript (.dms) file has a fourth parameter that defines which data source the section applies to. In UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.5, mrScript MDSC did not support this additional parameter, which means that you could not use mrScript MDSC to read the Metadata Section in a DMS file directly (for example, in Metadata Model Explorer or UNICOM Intelligence Reporter). However, this is possible in UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.6 and later.
Multiple Metadata sections
If there is more than one Metadata section in the .dms or .mdd file, mrScript MDSC will treat them as a single section. However, the default language, user context, and label type defined as parameters to each section will be respected.
Derived variables
mrScript MDSC does not validate the expressions that are used in the definition of variables or categories.
For more information about the supported mrScriptMetadata features, see mrScriptMetadata reference.
See also
mrScriptMetadata User's Guide
mrScriptMetadata files
Sample mrScriptMetadata files
mrScript MDSC