Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Web configuration files > Settings for the Interview Web Service
Settings for the Interview Web Service
mrIWeb is configured by using a web.config file. The InterviewService is similarly configured by using its own web.config file. For information about the configuration parameters for mrIWeb, see Web service configuration.
Configuration parameters that are applicable to the InterviewService
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Only used when format=html is requested.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Only used when format=html is requested.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Only used when format=html is requested.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supports both full and relative URLs.
Full URL:
  <add key="ImageCacheURL" value="http://WebServer/SPSSMR/ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx"/>
Relative URL:
<add key="ImageCacheURL" value="../ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx" />
Supported by InterviewWebService?: No
Is not currently used in mrIWEB.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Only used when format=html is requested.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: No
Not supported as the InterviewService does not implement engine registration.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: No
Not supported as the InterviewService does not implement engine registration.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Only used when format=html is requested.
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
Supported by InterviewWebService?: Yes
This custom header prevents the UNICOM Intelligence application HTML code from being encapsulated within a frame-set. Websites that are vulnerable to being encapsulated within a frame-set are susceptible to a variety of vulnerabilities including but not limited to cross-frame scripting, and user interface redress attack.
The following methods can be used to configure the setting:
Add the following <customHeaders> section to the mrIWebweb.configfile:
    <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="deny" />
The value options are:
deny: The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site attempting to do so.
sameorigin: The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself. sameorigin is the recommended value.
allow-from uri: The page can only be displayed in a frame on the specified origin.
Change the setting's value to deny in Microsoft Internet Services (IIS) under: [Your_Server_Name] > Sites > mriWeb > HTTP Response Headers > X-Frame-Options.
Additional supported parameters
The InterviewService supports some additional parameters that mrIWeb does not support.
whether the returned JSON or XML should include extended error detail, and
which JSON/XML format to use for errors: the Original format or the Updated format.
IncludeErrorDetailPolicy has the following possible values:
Default: The returned error is “internal-server-error” in the Original format.
Never: Extended error detail is never provided, even if it is available.
Always: Extended error detail is always provided, if it is available.
LocalOnly: Extended error detail is provided, if the request is local to the server.
Extended error details sometimes include server details. The LocalOnly and Never options are provided for security.
Original format
The original format is as follows:
HTML format
ErrorCode: internal-server-error<br>
JSON format
XML format
Updated format
The following updated format is used when a value other than Default is specified. The ExceptionMessage, ExceptionType, and StackTrace are included only when extended error detail is being returned.
HTML format
ErrorCode: internal-server-error<br>
Message: A more human readable form of the error code, for example: An error has occurred<br>
ExceptionMessage: The error message from the Exception object<br>
ExceptionType: The type of the thrown exception object<br>
The stack trace from the Exception object
JSON format
"Message": "A more human readable form of the error code, for example: An error has occurred"
"ExceptionMessage": "The error message from the Exception object",
"ExceptionType": "The type of the thrown Exception object",
"StackTrace": "The stack trace from the Exception object"
XML format
    <Message>A more human readable form of the error code, for example: An error occurred</Message>
    <ExceptionMessage>The error message from the Exception object</ExceptionMessage>
    <ExceptionType>The type of the thrown Exception object</ExceptionType>
    <StackTrace>The stack trace from the Exception object</StackTrace>
mrIWeb assumes that the RegisteredEngines.xml file is in the same directory. Since the InterviewWebService uses the engine registration information from mrIWeb, it needs to be informed of the file location.
This is set by the installer to: \Interviewer Server\Server\mrIWeb\RegisteredEngines.xml
The engines specified by the RegisteredEngines.xml file are merged with those specified by the RegisteredEngines parameter (the parameter takes priority).
mrIWeb uses the following registry setting to control the number of request handler threads:
The InterviewService performance tuning parameters are defined by standard WCF parameters in the web.config file. For more information, see the following Microsoft MSDN article, “ServiceThrottlingBehavior”:
Configuring the Interview Web Service to use SSL
Configuring the Interview Web Service to use CORS
See also
See also
Web configuration files
Interview Web Service implementation