The installation procedure creates three databases on the SQL Server. The user who installs UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer must have Database Creator rights on the SQL Server computer. The databases allow access to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer group specified during installation.
This database contains the following tables:
Holds information about which users can access each project and activity and what type of access they have. The table also indicates whether SecurityId is a user or a role. This allows the system perform more efficient database paging.
Holds information about Concurrent Usage Reports.
This table is no longer used.
Holds the
GlobalFilter and
CanOnlyViewWeightedData settings for a project's user/role. See
Setting up global filters for more information.
List of OpenID Connect clients and permissions (scopes) that the user has given consent to. When the user uses a client application of the Web API and logs in by using OpenID Connect, depending on the configuration, they might be prompted to grant the application permission to use the Intelligence Web API on their behalf.
List of valid tokens used for OpenID Connect authentication.
Names the creator and owner of each project and activity and the date on which they were created.
Holds project history information (when the project was created, by whom, project status, and so on). See
Project History (ProjectHistory) table.
Holds information about the Project Management system, and project details for every project that has been activated. See
Project Management table.
Copy of the basic information found in the ProjectMgmt table. The information includes Id, Name, Label, Description, GroupName, ProjectLocked, ProjectLockedBy, Status, and InterviewScriptType.
This database contains the following tables related to UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer:
Holds information regarding each customer account (customer account ID, displayed name, account description, and so on) in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. See
Customer Account (CustomerAccount) table.
Holds information for sharing interviewer synchronization records in Remote Administration reports among clustered servers.
This table is obsolete: it has been superseded by the tables documented in the
Interviewer Sync Records (InterviewerSyncInfo) table. The
InterviewSyncInfo table and its data has not been removed and data has not been migrated. The Remote Administration activity only reports on the data recorded in the replacement tables.
Records when each remote device synchronizes with the server. See
Interviewer Sync Records (InterviewerSyncInfo) table for more information.
Records when the remote device downloads the project for the first time, or downloads project changes. See
Interviewer Sync Records (InterviewerSyncInfo) table for more information.
Records when the remote device uploads package data to the server. See
Interviewer Sync Records (InterviewerSyncInfo) table for more information.
Records worker thread process information for package files. See
Interviewer Sync Records (InterviewerSyncInfo) table for more information.
Holds information about UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user roles.
*Session and *SessionHistory
This is a collection of five pairs of files, one file containing records for current usage and the other containing historical data, that provides an audit trail for various aspects of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer usage. For more information, see
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail.
Holds information about UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user accounts.
Golds information about which users belong to which roles in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
Holds UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin login information so users can be automatically logged back in if their sessions time out.
Case data tables
mrUserData also contains the following “case data” tables related to user properties set in User Administration: OtherData2, Responses2, ResponseSerial, SchemaVersion, and Variables. For more information, see
Relational MR Database CDSC schema.
This is an empty database designed for storing sample data. When sample is uploaded using the Participants activity, the supervisor might create a new table in this database or upload into an existing table.
If a project uses CATI, this database also contains a SampleTableName_ProjectName_History table for that project, showing the record ID, interview start time, duration, and outcome for each sample record belonging to that project, and a view called ProjectName_SampleOverview.
Project (case data) databases
Whenever a new project is activated, a database is usually created specifically for that project. It has the same name as the project and is created in the default directory that SQL uses. Each project database contains the following tables: OtherData2, Responses2, ResponseSerial, SchemaVersion, and Variables.
For information about these tables, see
Relational MR Database CDSC schema.
For information about controlling access to project databases in the Launch activity and sharing databases between two or more projects, see
Project (case data) databases.
If the project uses quota control, the project database usually contains the quota tables (see
Quota database) as well. The exception is when the quota tables are shared between two or more projects; in this case, the tables exist in one project database only and all other projects link to these files.
Sample (participant) databases
One database and table per project, or one database for a number of projects containing tables of sample records that might be used by one or more projects.
For more information about the structure and content of sample tables, see
Sample table.
For information about using indexes to improve performance in projects that use sample management, see
Adding indexes to sample tables.
See also