mrScriptMetadata files
Typically, you will use mrScriptMetadata in the following types of files:
▪In Interview Script (.mdd) files, to create interview scripts for version 3.0 (or later) of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer.
▪In Data Management Script (.dms) files, to add derived variables to your metadata for data analysis.
You can create these types of files in UNICOM Intelligence Professional or by using a standard text editor, such as Notepad. However, if you are using a standard text editor and the file contains non-Western European characters, make sure that you save the file using the UTF-8 text format option and not the ANSI option.
You can also use MDM Explorer to update metadata directly, using mrScriptMetadata, but without the need for a separate script editor. For more information, see
Working with mrScriptMetadata in MDM Explorer.
Interview Script (.mdd) files
You can create Interview Script files in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, in a standard text editor, or in MDM Explorer. mrScriptMetadata is added to the Metadata section of the script. For general information about interview scripting, see
Interview scripting.
Data Management Script (.dms) files
You can create Data Management Script files in UNICOM Intelligence Professional or in a standard text editor. Because they are used for a variety of data management tasks, such as transferring data, not all Data Management Script files include mrScriptMetadata. If they do, the mrScriptMetadata will be in the Metadata section, which is only one of several possible sections in a Data Management Script file. Data Management Script files cannot be created in MDM Explorer, but you can use MDM Explorer to edit the metadata section of an existing Data Management Script file. For more information, see
Data Management Script (DMS) file.
See also