Desktop User Guides > Professional > Local Deployment wizard > Activation settings > Using the File Management component
Using the File Management component
Most users who activate projects using either an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin activity such as Launch or a desktop program such as UNICOM Intelligence Professional have access to the shared FMRoot folder. Users whose computers are not connected to the network cannot access FMRoot and therefore need to use the File Management component for activation instead. When you install UNICOM Intelligence Professional, the installation procedure asks whether the user has access to FMRoot and configures the user's computer accordingly. You can change this manually at any time simply by changing the value of a registry key.
The registry key is called UseFileManagerWebService and it is in:
Its default value is 0 meaning that activation will use FMRoot. To use the File Management component instead of FMRoot, change the value of this key to 1.
Users who do not have access to FMRoot and whose files are copied using the File Management component might notice that activation run slightly slower than for users with access to FMRoot.
See also
Activation settings