Desktop User Guides > Paper > Look Organizer > Default Looks and the default Look group
Default Looks and the default Look group
When you load a questionnaire definition for the first time, you select the initial Look group to be applied. It is the default Looks within this Look group that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper applies to the questionnaire items. For example, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper applies the default categorical Look in the initial Look group to all of the categorical questions, the default numeric Look to all of the numeric questions, and so on. In each Look group, you must define a default Look for each Look type.
However, if you load a questionnaire definition and the Look group that you have chosen does not have a default Look for each Look type, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper gives you the options of using the default Looks in the default Look group for the missing types or of selecting another Look group. The default Look group is the Look group that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper uses when an initial Look group does not contain a default Look for each Look type.
When you look at the list of Look groups and Looks in the Look Organizer or any of the other dialogs, you can tell which is the default Look group and which are the default Looks because they are shown in bold.
At installation, the Contemporary Look group is set as the default Look group. You can set any Look group as the default group as long as that group contains a default Look for each of the Look types, and the default compound Look contains default subLooks of each of the subLook types. If the Look group that you have selected does not contain a default Look for each of the Look types, you will see a message stating that you cannot use that Look group as the default group.
You cannot delete the default Looks from the default Look group, and you cannot remove the default settings on these Looks without setting another Look as the default for the Look type.
You must set a default Look of each of the following Look types in the default Look group:
Numeric grid
Compound, which in turn needs to contain a default subLook of each subLook type
Categorical show card
Grid show card
To set a default Look
1 In the Look Organizer, select the Look that you want to make the default for its type within its Look group.
2 Click the Default toolbar button Default button.
The selected Look is now the default Look for its type within its Look group, and its name is displayed in bold. If another Look was previously set as the default for the same type within the Look group, it is now displayed in a regular font to indicate that it is no longer the default.
To set the default Look group
1 In the Look Organizer, select the Look group that you want to make the default.
2 Click the Default toolbar button Default button.
The selected Look group is now the default Look group, and its name is displayed in bold. If another Look group was previously set as the default Look group, it is now displayed in a regular font to indicate that it is no longer the default.
See also
Default SubLooks
Look Organizer
Opening Looks and subLooks