Desktop User Guides > Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Testing quotas
Testing quotas
If your interview uses Quota control, you can test your quota categories and targets before you activate your interview in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server.
You can only test a quota that is based on the answers to questions in your interview script (.mdd) file. Quotas based on sample management data are ignored.
You define quotas by creating a quota definition (.mqd) file. If you have already created a quota definition file for your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server project, you might want to use that file for testing. Alternatively, you can create a new file from within UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
The quota targets and counts are stored in a quota database. Alternatively, UNICOM Intelligence Professional can create a quota data source by using a UNICOM Intelligence Data File .ddf file on the client.
To test a quota, specify the Debug Quotas: Data File Location in the UNICOM Intelligence Professional options, and then click Tools > Quota > Enable Debugging. This synchronizes the categories and targets in the quota definition file with the quota database. When you test your interview, UNICOM Intelligence Professional increments the counts in the quota database. To check the quota counts, stop the interview script, and then run a mrScriptBasic file to produce a report.
See also
Creating or updating a Quota Definition file
Testing a quota
Checking the quota counts
Resetting the quota counts
Changing the quota targets
Accessing a quota from an interview script
Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews