Desktop User Guides > Author > Customizing UNICOM Intelligence Author > Options dialog > Options dialog: Testing tab
Options dialog: Testing tab
Use the Testing tab of the Options dialog to select a file that contains the default participant records when the Participant.xsu file is not in the project directory.
Default participant record
The path for the appropriate default participant record file. This file is used if there is no Participant.xsu file in the project directory. The default file path is:
Report script
The file to be used to display the quota results in Microsoft Excel. The default file is:
Debug quotas data file location
The location of the quota data records file that is used for quota tracking. The default file location is:
If your interview will use Sample Management when activated in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server, and the routing section of your interview script (.mdd) file accesses sample data, you can test your interview script before activating it.
Sample Management data is stored in a Sample User XML (.xsu) file, which contains a single sample record with one or more fields. The records and fields are defined using XML syntax. Each field has a name, a type and a value. You cannot have more than one sample record in a .xsu file, and each project’s .xsu file must be in the <ProjectMDD>_files subdirectory.
The following sample record is from a file called Participant.xsu; its default location is:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Professional\ Interview
The sample record contains three fields called ID, UserName and Password.
<SampleRecord ID="ID1">
When you create your own sample fields, you must give each field a type. A list of the valid values for the <type> element is shown in the following table. Make sure that the types in your Sample User XML file match the equivalent SQL field types for the sample table (sometimes known as the participants table) that your interview will use after activation.
Value of <type>
Equivalent SQL field type
Char, Text, Ntext, or Nvarchar
For an example of the code you need to write to access the data in the sample record, see:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\Interview\Sample Management - Scripts\Basic\Basic.mdd
This example is intended to be used with Participant.xsu. When the script is run, the browser displays the message “Welcome to the Drinks Survey Name1”, as Name1 is the value of the UserName field in Participant.xsu.
Metadata(en-US, Question, label)
  Welcome "Welcome to the Drinks survey {UserName}." info;
End Metadata
  ' Get the UserName from the sample record
  Welcome.Label.Inserts["UserName"].Text =   IOM.SampleRecord.Item["UserName"]
End Routing
See also
Options dialog