Desktop User Guides > Paper > Authoring tools
Authoring tools
In UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper, you use insertion and data entry character styles in Looks to insert text from the questionnaire definition into a paper questionnaire. The questionnaire definition itself must be created using one of the authoring tools. This section lists the types of text that you can insert into a paper questionnaire from the questionnaire definition and provides brief details about how to create them in the authoring tools.
Notes for UNICOM Intelligence Professional users
For information on how to create different types of text in the questionnaire definition in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, see Interview scripting.
Using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper with questionnaires created in UNICOM Intelligence Professional
Questionnaires created using UNICOM Intelligence Professional contain routing information that is designed for web use. To use these questionnaires with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper you must first add paper routing. One way of doing this is by running the CreatePaperRouting.mrs script that is available when you install the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library. By default, this is installed in this folder:
Adding paper routing to a questionnaire
You can add paper routing to a questionnaire by running the CreatePaperRouting.mrs script supplied with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library. By default, this is in this folder:
If UNICOM Intelligence Professional is installed, you can use this to run the script. Alternatively, you can use the mrScript command line runner.
1 Start UNICOM Intelligence Professional, and open the CreatePaperRouting.mrs script. Alternatively, use Notepad to open the file.
2 Change the name of the .mdd files referred to in filename1 and filename2 to the name of the file to which you want to add the paper routing and an output file name. For example:
filename1 = "c:\myPaperFile.mdd"
filename2 = "c:\myPaperFileOut.mdd"
(If required, you can use the same filename for both parameters so that the script adds the routing to the original file).
3 Save the CreatePaperRouting.mrs file. As this is a read-only file, either save the file to a different folder or using a different file name.
4 Do one of the following:
If using UNICOM Intelligence Professional, press F5 to run the script.
If using the Command Line Runner, open a command prompt. (For example, on Windows 2000, from the Windows Start menu, choose: Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt). Type:
mrscriptcl "filenameandpath.mrs"
Replace filenameandpath with the full path and filename of the CreatePaperRouting.mrs file.
The script adds a paper routing based on the order in which the questions are listed in the .mdd file.