Desktop User Guides > Paper > Opening and saving Looks and subLooks > Saving a Look > Save Look: Advanced Options
Save Look: Advanced Options
When you are saving Looks and subLooks for categorical, grid, or numeric grid questions, you can set additional options by clicking Advanced in the Save Look and Save Compound Look wizards. Advanced options set the category distribution and category replication.
Category Distribution
Available only for categorical Looks that have a multiple column category list. Defines the way categories are distributed between the columns. Choose one of the following:
Across, then down. Presents the categories horizontally, row by row.
Down, then across. Presents the categories vertically, column by column.
The default value is set on the Save Look tab in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper Options dialog.
Category Replication
Available only for categorical, grid, and numeric grid Looks and subLooks. Defines which category rows are replicated when you apply the Look to a question that has more rows in its category list than are defined in the Look. This means that you can use the same Looks for questions with category lists of different lengths.
First category row. Defines the first category row to be replicated.
Last category row. Defines the last category row to be replicated.
The default value is set on the Save Look tab in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper Options dialog.
Suppose you want only the first category to have a line above it and you want the second category and each subsequent alternate one to have a gray background. You can achieve this by creating a Look with three categories. Format the second category with a gray background, and the first and third categories with a white background. Use the table border feature to display a line above the first category. When you save the Look, set the category replication--set First category row to 2 and Last category row to 3. When you apply the Look to a question that has five categories, the first category has a line above it, the second and fourth categories have a gray background, and the first, third, and fifth categories have a white background.
If you are designing Looks with several rows in the answer portion and plan to use category replication, every row in the Look must have the same number of cells in the table.
Unless you plan to create different formats for different rows, you need create only one category row in the answer portion of Looks.
See also
Modifying advanced options when saving Looks
Saving a Look
Saving a SubLook
Save Look: General Information
Save look: Test New Look
Testing a Look before you save it