Desktop User Guides > Quota Setup > Expression quotas > Filter on Categorical Variable dialog
Filter on Categorical Variable dialog
You can use expressions to define quotas based on categories from single response and multiple response variables, and grid subvariables. For example, you can set up an expression that includes male respondents, or includes respondents who usually drink Assam or Darjeeling tea.
Filter on the categorical variable
Displays the variable that you dragged onto the Expression Quotas tab. To use a different variable, click the arrow, and then choose another.
Include cases where
Specifies how to determine whether the categories that you are about to select will be part of the current quota expression.
Any of these
The quota is for respondents who choose at least one of the selected categories.
None of these
The quota is for respondents who do not choose any of the selected categories.
All of these
The quota is for respondents who choose all of the selected categories. Not available for single response variables.
Exactly these
The quota is for respondents who choose all of the selected categories and no others. Not available for single response variables.
At least
The quota is for respondents who choose at least the specified number of the selected categories. Specify the number in the box that appears to the right. Not available for single response variables.
At most
The quota is for respondents who choose no more than the specified number of categories. Specify the number in the box that appears to the right. Not available for single response variables.
The quota is for respondents who choose a certain number of selected categories. Specify the minimum and maximum number of categories in the boxes that appear to the right. Not available for single response variables.
Categories are selected
Select the categories of the variable that define the characteristics of this quota.
Click to add another variable to the expression.
Creates the quota expression, and then closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog without creating the quota expression.
See also
Defining quotas for categorical variables
Expression quotas