Changing the website SSL
This section describes how to change your website’s SSL configuration. (For information about initial SSL configuration, see
Setting up your website to use SSL.)
1 In Windows Explorer, go to the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library directory:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Code\Tools\VB.NET\DPM Explorer.Net
2 Update the BalancerUrl and StartUrl http protocol to https for all applications, except Activation and WebSurvey, in the following path:
Site > Servers > [<server_name>] > Applications > [ApplicationName] > ApplicationSettings
3 Update the StartUrl http protocol to https for the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter application in the following path:
Site > Servers > <server_name> > Applications > Reporter > ApplicationSettings
4 Update the StartUrl http protocol to https for the UNICOM Intelligence Author application in this path:
Site > Servers > <server_name> > Applications > Author > ApplicationSettings
5 Update the DimensionsInterviewUrl and FileManagerWebService http protocol to https in this path:
Site > Properties
6 Open regedit, and then go to:
7 Change the WebUseSSL setting from False to True.
8 Go to:
Change the LocalEngineURLs setting to:
Change the RegistrationURL setting to:
9 Edit the following file:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server\Server\mrIWeb\Web.config
Change the ImageCache and LocalImageCache keys to the following (when using the full URL path):
<add key="LocalImageCacheURL"
<add key="ImageCacheURL"
<add key="TemplateLocation" value=" https://[ServerName]:[PortNumber]/ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx?File=" />
10 Edit the following file:
Change the LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL key to the following (when using the full URL path):
Change the INTERVIEW_SERVER key to the following:
<add key="INTERVIEW_SERVER" value="https://[ServerName]"/>
Change the ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES key to use https instead of http to access other engines. For example:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value="https://[ServerName]/mrIEngWS,http://[ServerName]/mrIEngWS1"/>
11 Edit the following file:
Change the LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL key to the following (when using the full URL path):
<add key="LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL" value="https://[ServerName]:[PortNumber]/ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx"/>
Change the INTERVIEW_SERVER key to the following:
<add key="INTERVIEW_SERVER" value="https://[ServerName]"/>
Change the ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES key to use https instead of http to access other engines. For example:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value="https://[ServerName]/mrIEngWS,http://[ServerName]/mrIEngWS1"/>
12 To secure cookies, edit the wwwroot\SPSSMR\Web.config file: Change this setting:
<httpCookies requireSSL="true" httpOnlyCookies="true"/>