Project settings
The Project page provides options for defining a project expiry date and for specifying whether or not reviewers can reject interviews.
Project Expiry (UTC Time)
Provides options for specifying a project expiration time.
Date: The project expiration date. You can type a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy, or click the down arrow to display a calendar and select a date.
Time: The project expiration time. This indicates the exact time of day, for the selected date, that the project will expire. Enter an time in the 24-hour format hh:mm; for example, 17:00 for 5:00 PM.
Reviewer can reject interview
When selected, interview reviewers (typically interviewers and supervisors) are provided the option of rejecting completed interviews. Reviewers typically reject interviews that are invalid for some reason: for example, the interviewer falsified some answers and the reviewer does not want to continue the review.
See also