Interviewing Options
Use Interviewing Options to specify the following information for telephone and personal interviewing projects:
▪Which Sample Management fields are displayed on the interview page, and which of the displayed fields interviewers can edit.
▪Which case data fields are displayed in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer as well as the participant fields for personal interviewing.
▪Whether soft appointments (that is, appointments that are set automatically for numbers that are busy or unanswered when called) take precedence over appointments that have been arranged between participants and interviewers.
▪The amount of time to wait before recalling numbers that are busy, unanswered, or answered by an answering machine. The Sample Management script uses these elapsed times to set the appointment times for the next calls to these numbers.
▪The maximum number of times a number can be called before it is no longer eligible for calling.
▪The times at which participants can be called or contacted on weekdays and at weekends.
▪The time zones in which participants are located. These time zones should match the time zones stored in the TimeZone field in the participant records. Records with time zones that do not match those specified with Interviewing Options or that have a blank TimeZone field will never be used. If you do not specify the project’s time zones, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer ignores time zone and calling time parameters when selecting records for interviewers to call.
▪Additional call and contact outcome codes to appear in the list that is displayed for interviewers.
▪Whether interviewers can retrieve specific participants from the sample database.
▪Whether the next participant for an interviewer should be selected as soon as the interviewer becomes available, rather than requiring the interviewer to click a button to request the next contact.
▪Whether the project uses an autodialer, and if not, whether interviewers can use Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) devices to dial phone numbers automatically. If an autodialer is used, you can specify settings such as whether predictive dialing should be used; whether telephone interviewer stations not configured for autodialing can be used to conduct interviews; and how long an interviewer must wait to be connected to a participant before the connection attempt is abandoned.
TAPI devices include modems, business telephone system (PBX) handsets, voice-enabled telephony devices, and dedicated hardware. For more information, see
Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) dialing.
▪Whether monitoring and recording is allowed, and whether interviewers must obtain consent from each participant for monitoring and recording.
▪Whether interviewers must review completed interviews; whether the review starts automatically or must be started manually; and whether all questions or only text questions can be reviewed.
See also