Server User Guides > Survey Tabulation > Working with variables > Creating variables > Creating a summary statistic table > Creating a summary table of mean scores
Creating a summary table of mean scores
1 On the Table List toolbar, click the Create table icon.
2 In the Variable List, select the summary variable you have just created and add it to the table (in this example, add VisitsAndGroups to the side axis).
3 Add any other variables you want to include in the table (in this example, add age to the top axis).
4 Choose the Preferences tab, and click the Modify link that is above the list of cell contents.
The Modify Cell Items dialog opens: see Modify Cell Items dialog.
5 Select any summary items that you want to include and click Add. Select any cell items that you do not require, and then click Remove.
In this example, add a mean, and then remove any other cell items.
6 Click OK.
Details of the cell items you have selected appear in the Preferences tab. You can see that, by default, summary cell items are calculated based on a single numeric variable (the visits variable is the default in this example). This is suitable in cases where you want to show the mean for the same variable throughout the table. When you are creating a summary table, though, you want each row or column of the table to show the mean for the variable that the row or column is based on.
7 In the Based On list, select the first option, which contains a dash character (-).
This tells UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation not to use a specific variable for the whole table, but instead to use the numeric variable specified in each category to calculate the mean for that category. So, for example, in the Number of Adults in Informal Group row of the table (based on the adults variable), the mean cell item is calculated using the values in the adults variable.
8 You might also want to change the number of decimal places to display. In this example, change the number in the Decimals list to 1.
9 To see the finished table, click the View Table tab, and then click Populate.
See also
Creating a summary statistic table