There are two types of override: local override and remote override.
▪ Local override
All procedures are performed in one teller term as shown in the following figure.
▪ Remote override
All procedures are performed in two terms. One is the teller term, and the other is the supervisor's term as shown in the following figure.
If a transaction needs override and the teller has selected the remote override route, the override request is sent to the supervisor and the current working area on the teller's side is locked. The supervisor can access the transaction screen in his or her local term to approve or reject the request. The final result can be read in the teller term. The teller can switch to another transaction in the teller term when waiting for the approval.
The following figure displays the deployment topology of UDTT Override. For details about the procedures on the teller side, the supervisor side, and the server side. Refer to the tasks section.
The override process is executed in the teller system before the transaction is submitted. The following figure is the procedure flow on the teller side.
1 Whether the transaction needs authorization is checked.
▪ If the transaction does not need authorization, the transaction is submitted directly.
▪ If the transaction needs authorization, the route selection page which is similar to the following figure is displayed. The teller can select Local Override or Remote Override from this page.
▪ If Local Override is selected, the local override page is displayed as shown in the following figure.
▪ If Remote Override is selected, the supervisor selection page is displayed as shown in the following figure.
After a supervisor is selected from the supervisor list, the remote communication page is displayed as the following figure. The supervisor list is provided by SupervisorProvider, and this interface should be implemented by the user as the real business logic.
2 If the transaction has been authorized by the supervisor, the teller can click Finish to end the procedure; otherwise, the teller can click Back to modify the transaction request or Cancel to cancel the request. The request status is displayed on the top of the panel and the section for supervisor's comments is displayed at the bottom.