The identifier for the widget.
The validateOnSubmit property specifies whether validation is required for the widgets that are contained in the form. If the validateOnSubmit property is set to true and any of the widgets that are contained in the form fail during validation or the cross validation fails, the submit button is disabled. The default value is true.
The fastTab property specifies Boolean value. The form can be focused by Tab when the fastTab property is specified astrue (default).
The defaultAction property specifies the default server-side action that ran when the form is submitted. This property is set in the Action tab of the Properties view. The defaultAction property consists of the following subproperties:
The flowEvent is the event that is sent to the UDTT navigation flow and causes the processor to proceed to the next state when the form is submitted.
The flowId is the ID of the UDTT flow that is started when the form is submitted. If a flowId is specified, a new flow instance is created and initiated on the server.
The operationId is the ID of the UDTT operation that is started when the form is submitted.
The values that are specified for the defaultAction property are used in the following scenarios:
▪ When a user clicks a submit button and the action property of the submit button does not have a value.
▪ When a user submits a form by using a mechanism other than by clicking a submit button, for example, by pressing the Enter key.
▪ When the submit() method is started by client-side code.
The styleClass property specifies the name of the CSS style ( also known as CSS style class) associated with the widget. This property is set by selecting a style from the CSS styles table in the Style tab of the Properties view. If you do not configure the styleClass property, the default style is used instead. For more detailed information, refer to Setting CSS style to widgets.
The width property specifies the width of the widget. This property is set in the Appearance tab of the Properties view.
The height property specifies the height of the widget. This property is set in the Appearance tab of the Properties view.
The generateLayout property specifies whether to generate the HTML layout. The default value is true.
The generateInlineStyle property specifies whether to generate the inline styles. The default value is true.
Is fired when the left mouse button is clicked.
Is fired when the widget receives focus because the user moves the mouse pointer over the widget.
Is fired when the widget does not receive focus, or when the user clicks outside the widget, or when the widget is hidden.
Is fired when a keyboard key is pressed.
Is fired when a keyboard key is released.
Is fired when a keyboard key is pressed or held down.
Is fired when a mouse button is clicked.
Is fired when a mouse button is released.
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves over the widget.
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves out of the widget.
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves over nodes that are contained in the widget.
Is fired when the form is submitted.
Is fired when the form is reset.
Is fired when the valid state of the form changes.
Is fired when the form and the widgets inside the form loaded.
Is fired when the page successfully updated with AJAX.
Is fired when the page failed to be updated with AJAX.
Is fired when the AJAX times out.
Is fired when any widget value inside the form is changed.
This property can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
The validateOnSubmit property specifies whether validation is required for the widgets that are contained in the form. If the validateOnSubmit property is set to true and any of the widgets that are contained in the form fail during validation, the submit button can be disabled. The default value is true.
This property can be used in the Condition and Actions part of ECA rule.
The asyncStatus property specifies the status of the AJAX. The status is provided as an HTTP status code.
This property can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
The asyncErrorMessage property provides an error message an AJAX. The error message is retrieved from the browser-side.
This property can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
The asyncCode property specifies the code that is used as the identifier for the AJAX.
This property can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
This property can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
Returns a value of true if all the widgets that are contained in the form are valid according to client-side validation rules. Client-side validation rules are defined as Type parameters.
This function can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
Returns a value of true if the form is valid. The validate function has the following two features that the isValid function does not have:
▪ Highlights the widgets that are contained in the form that are not valid.
▪ Calls the focus() method on the first invalid widget that is contained in the form.
Note This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
Programmatically submits the form data to the server, and then the action that is specified in the defaultAction property is performed on the server.
Note This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
Submits the form data in an asynchronous request, which runs the specified operation that is specified in the 'operationId' parameter. After the operation ran, the form is updated with the response data and the 'asynCode' property of the form is set as the value specified in the 'asynCode' parameter. The 'timeOut' is the specified number of milliseconds of the asynchronous request. The 'inputMapper' maps browser form fields to operation context. The 'outputMapper' maps operation context to browser form fields.
The mappings for AJAX operations relate form fields with the started operation