Attribute to use
Adding a parameter to a transition
Add an attribute and its value to the <transition> tag
Adding a parameter to an action
Add an attribute and its value to the action's tag
Chaining a context to another context
linkContextTo in the <openView> tag
Changing the action's context
context in the action's tag
Changing the processor's context
context in the <processor> tag
Changing the implementation class for the processor
implClass in the <processor> tag
Preserving events in the queue
cleanEventsQueueOnSwitch in the <processor> tag
Preventing a state from performing entry actions more than once
ignoreEntryActions in the <transition> tag
Preventing an event from going to the next handler
propagateEvent in the <transition> tag
Removing all events from the queue
cleanEventsQueueOnSwitch in the <processor> tag
Sending the event to the next handler
propagateEvent in the <transition> tag
Setting the formatter for inputting data into a context
inputMapFmt in the <executeOperationAct>, <openView>, or <executeSubflowAct> tags
Setting the formatter for outputting data from a context
outputMapFmt in the <executeOperationAct>, <closeView>, or <executeSubflowAct> tags
Setting the location of the view definition
viewSource in the <openView> tag
Setting the state as the initial state of a process
type and possibly typeIdInfo in the <state> tag
Setting the state as a final state of a process
type and possibly typeIdInfo in the <state> tag
Setting the target for a transition
targetState in the <transition> tag
Setting what happens when a user cancels a view
navigation in the <openView> tag
Using a flow defined elsewhere
refFlow in the <processor> tag