Runtime components : Service components : Database services : Database Table Mapping : Reference
See also
Database Table Mapping code example
Database Table Mapping exceptions
Database Table Mapping external definitions
Database Table Mapping
Database Table Mapping code example
The JDBCTable service works with an existing database table. Therefore, it does not manage the table's primary keys when new records are added to the database. An application using this service must set the primary key column for any record to be added, since records with duplicate primary keys are not allowed. Before requesting the database connection, the application must register and load the specific JDBC driver needed to work with the database.
The following is an example application working with the JDBC-specific implementation of a Database Table Mapping service and the XML files needed to run it. As shown in the example, the reuse of the application code with a different implementation of a table service depends on reference to the TableService interface instead of explicitly use using the JDBCTable object implementing this interface. This example is implemented for a local environment, but you can easily adapt it to a client/server environment by implementing a toolkit client operation. The client operation should start the server operation that calls for the table services. In this example, the application requests the connection to be automatically set by the service, and also lets the service commit and roll back the database changes automatically. It is assumed that the appropriate JDBC driver is loaded.
<!-- Operation data definitions -->
<kColl id="myTableOperationData"/>
  <field id="ACCOUNT_NUMBER"/>
  <field id="AMOUNT"/>
  <field id="THE_DATE"/>
  <field id="DESCRIPTION"/>
  <field id="RECID"/>
<!-- Contexts definitions -->
<context id="myTableOperationContext" type="op" >
  <refKColl refId="myTableOperationData">
<!-- Services definition sample file. Note that no column
  tag is used. This means that the data field names match
  the column names in the database table-->
<JDBCTable id="myTableName" autoCommit="true"
  user="myuser" password="mypassword"
<!-- Formats definitions -->
<fmtDef id="tableFormatName">
    <fObject dataName="ACCOUNT_NUMBER"/>
    <fObject dataName="AMOUNT"/>
    <fObject dataName="THE_DATE"/>
    <fObject dataName="DESCRIPTION"/>
    <fObject dataName="RECID"/>
Application flow
The code below is a runnable class that will work with a table named DatabaseTable with the following column definition:
with RECID being the primary key.
public static void main(String args[]) throws,
DSEObjectNotFoundException {
Context tableContext;
HashtableFormat tableFormat= null;
// Initializing toolkit for Java
// Working with the table service
TableService table = null;
try {
System.out.println(">>> Creating a Table Service Instance...");
table = (TableService)Service.readObject("myTableName");
// Because of the service definition, no connection to the database
// is explicitly done
int nbrOfRecords = 3;
Trace.trace(Trace.Information, ">>> Filling the Table with " + nbrOfRecords
+ " records...");
for (int i = 1; i <= nbrOfRecords ; i++) {
tableContext.setValueAt("ACCOUNT_NUMBER", "0007000" + i);
tableContext.setValueAt("AMOUNT",new Integer(200000 + i));
tableContext.setValueAt("THE_DATE", new java.sql.Date(98,4,16));
tableContext.setValueAt("DESCRIPTION", "Adding record " + i + " in table...");
tableContext.setValueAt("RECID",new Integer(i));
tableFormat= (HashtableFormat)FormatElement.readObject("tableFormatName");
// Call the format method with argument the operation context
Hashtable dataTable1 = new Hashtable();
dataTable1 = (Hashtable) tableFormat.format(tableContext);
Trace.trace(Trace.Information, ">>> Adding a record to the database table...");
} // End for
// Display Table content
Vector aDataVector = null;
Hashtable aDataHashtable = new Hashtable();
aDataVector= table.retrieveRecordsMatching("THE_DATE=DATE('1998-05-16')");
Enumeration aDataVectorEnum = aDataVector.elements();
while (aDataVectorEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
tableFormat.unformat((Hashtable)aDataVectorEnum.nextElement(), tableContext);
System.out.println("Record retrieved with identification:" +
} // End while
// Delete record number 1
// Retrieving data of 2st record;
aDataVector = table.retrieveRecordsMatching("RECID=2");
if ( !aDataVector.isEmpty()) {
aDataVectorEnum = aDataVector.elements();
TableFormat.unformat((Hashtable)aDataVectorEnum.nextElement(), tableContext);
System.out.println("Record retrieved with identification:" +
else {
System.out.println("No records found for this search criteria");
tableContext.setValueAt("DESCRIPTION", "Updated description");
// Updating last Record in the database
table.updateRecordsMatching("RECID=(SELECT MAX(RECID)
} // End try
catch (Exception e ) {
try {
table.disconnect(); }
catch (Exception ex){
See also
Database Table Mapping exceptions
The Database Table Mapping service throws the following exceptions:
The current state of the object is not valid for the method being called.
Action: Check for the connection to the database and, if it is not available, create the connection before requesting any database operation.
Internal data is inconsistent.
Action: Report the error to support through the standard reporting channels.
One of the arguments in the called method is invalid. It is an instance of an unexpected class or it is outside the expected range.
Action: Check the value of the arguments.
An object that was expected to exist during the processing of the method has not been found.
Action: Check for the correct setup of your environment.
An exception has been returned when accessing the database.
Action: Refer to the SQL documentation to take the appropriate action for the specific error number and message.
An exception has been returned when requesting or releasing a connection from a pool of connections or when trying to share a connection.
Action: Verify that the connection pooling is available. Check for the maximum number of connections defined and the connection timeout, and possibly set new values that will prevent this exception from occurring in the future.
See also
Database Table Mapping external definitions
The Database Table Mapping service has the following data externalized in the services file:
JDBCTable tag attributes
Name of the JDBCTable name attribute.
Specifies whether an automatic connection is to be made to the database. Possible values are:
false (default)
Specifies whether an automatic commit is to be performed after each statement execution. Possible values are:
false (default)
The name of the table catalog in the database (if it applies to the DBMS being used).
The name of the table schema in the database (if it applies to the DBMS being used). It is case-sensitive based in the DBMS specifications.
The name of the table in the database. It is case-sensitive based in the DBMS specifications.
The database URL where the table is created.
The userid to log on to the database, if required.
The password to log on to the database, if required.
Name of the JDBC Driver the service will use, either to request the connection to the database or to execute the SQL statements.
Name of the connection manager pool containing the connection type you want. Consult the WebSphere administrator for this name.
The DataSource object name to be used by all requests to get a connection. This should be specified when working with the connection pooling provided by WebSphere Application Server or with any other JDBC implementation of the connection pooling. This name requires a context part and a logical name part, since it will be used to do a lookup in the naming context. A typical string might look something like "jdbc/sample," where the context is "jdbc" and the logical name is "sample." This information can be supplied by the WebSphere Application Server administrator, and it identifies the DataSource object placed in the naming service.
The alias of the connection the service wants to share with other JDBC services service instances.
A boolean value.
If set to true (the default), the service will control the primary keys access when an update statement is executed. (By getting information about the primary keys columns defined for the database table, it will prevent the application from updating these columns if, by error, it tries to.)
If set to false, no primary keys checking is done by the service. This attribute must be set to false if the getPrimaryKeys() method is not supported by the specific JDBC implementation (as for DB2 UDB for OS/390).
Defines the dimension of the Statements pool. The default value is 32. Increase the value of the attribute to improve system performance or reduce the value to prevent exhausting system resources.
Column tag attributes
Name of column
Name of data field or name of the key that keeps the data field value
<JDBCTable id="myMapping" table="myTable" autoConnect="true"
<column id="CLIENT_ID" dataName="client.socialSecurityNumber"/>
<column id="FIRSTNAME" dataName="client.firstName" />
<column id="LASTNAME" dataName="client.lastName" />
The tag column is used to map a specific data field in the context to a column in the database table, if the data field and the column do not have the same name. The dataName tag attribute can directly hold the data field name or a key name if a KeyedObject formatter is being used inside the Hashtable formatter definition.
See also