Creating applications : Creating applications : Multichannel application sample : Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects : Importing the Multichannel application sample
Importing the Multichannel application sample
The Multichannel application sample package includes a set of shared library files and a group of projects to demonstrate the multi-project structure. To explore the structure and the design of the Multichannel application sample, import the sample into UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™).
To import the Multichannel application sample
1 Click File > Import.
2 In the Import window, click General > Existing Projects into Workspace, and then click Next.
3 Click Select archive file.
4 Click Browse, and select the Multichannel application sample project package to be imported.
5 Ensure that all the projects in the Projects list are selected.
6 Click Finish.
After completing this task
You can explore the sample projects, or continue to deploy the sample by configuring the server connection.
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Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects