Creating applications : Creating applications : Multichannel application sample : Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects
Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects
Before your run the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) sample projects to see the output application, you must configure the project deployment environment. You must configure the server connection, the database connection, and the other required project properties.
To deploy the Multichannel application sample projects
1 Import the sample projects.
2 In UDTT, if you did not previously configure the WebSphere Application Server, on which the sample is going to run, configure a connection.
3 Configure the Java Build Path property for each non-EAR project.
4 Configure the Project Facets property for each project.
5 If you did not previously configure the database connection in UDTT, create and configure a database connection.
6 Configure the deployment environment.
Importing the Multichannel application sample
Configuring a connection
Configuring the Java Build Path property for each non-EAR project
Configuring the Project Facets property for each project
Creating and configuring a database connection
Configuring the WebSphere Application Server deployment environment
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Multichannel application sample