Creating applications : Creating applications : Multichannel application sample : Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects : Configuring the Project Facets property for each project
Configuring the Project Facets property for each project
For each Multichannel application sample project, you must configure the Project Facets property to ensure that the runtime for your server is selected correctly.
To configure the Project Facets property for each project
1 Right-click the project, and then click Properties.
2 In the Properties window, select Project Facets from the property list.
3 Click the Runtimes tab.
4 Select the runtime for your server, and click Apply.
5 In the Project Facet list, verify whether WebSphere Web (Co-existence) and WebSphere Web (Extended) are selected and the versions are correct.
6 Repeat step 1 to step 5 to configure the Project Facets property for each project.
After completing this task
If you did not previously configure the Derby database connection, create and configure a Derby database connection.
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Deploying the Multichannel application sample projects