Development tools : Application wizard : Creating gradle XUI/HTML projects by using UDTT IDE : Method 1: Create UDTT Gradle project based on UDTT IDE
Method 1: Create UDTT Gradle project based on UDTT IDE
1 Right-click New > Project... > to select the UDTT project (XUI or HTML) in the Gradle folder to create a UDTT Gradle Project.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Click Next, then configure the License related information as requested in the image below, or click Finish with default configuration. License configuration in btt.xml will be modified accordingly.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The generated Gradle project's structure is shown in the image below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
gradle folder: contains gradleWrapper information
gradlew and gradlew. bat: run on Linux/Mac and Windows, respectively, to execute gradle wrapper commands.
build.gradle: the primary gradle configuration file, which contains dependencies and runtime configurations.
settings.gradle: used to support multi-project.
Note File build.gradle may need to be modified.
The dependency Settings (version) need to be modified based on the actual local repository.
Gretty is used by default, while other servers can be added manually as needed.
The default webAppDirName and sourceSets may need to be modified according to the project structure.
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Creating gradle XUI/HTML projects by using UDTT IDE