Development tools : Application wizard : Creating gradle XUI/HTML projects by using UDTT IDE : Method 2: Use the Plugin to generate UDTT's Gradle Project
Method 2: Use the Plugin to generate UDTT's Gradle Project
1 Fetch the UDTT-Gradle-Archetypes folder from lib/gradleSupport in the product's installed folder, which contains two archetypes:
Udtt-gradle-archetype-xui-web-project provides XUI application template.
Udtt-gradle-archetype-html-project provides HTML application template.
You can use the templates to create UDTT XUI or HTML Project.
2 Execute the following command in the udtt-gradle-archetype-xui-web-project root directory
$./gradlewcleanArch generate -i
A UDTT XUI Gradle Project is generated, and by default the configuration is used in the root directory. If the configuration file does not have corresponding parameters configured, the Project creation is completed by providing interactive input.
Note The parameter settings in have high priority than command line parameter settings.
3 Full command creation is also possible.
$./gradlewcleanArch generate -i -Dtarget=generated -Dname=udtt-sample-project -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dport=9999 -DcontextPath=test2 -DlicenseServer=localhost:7498 -DlicenseFile=...\\\\License\\\\License.BTT -DlicenseLibrary=...\\\\...\\\\ultclientjni.dll
The target items are created in the generated folder after a successful run.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The resulting Gradle project structure is as follows:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Creating gradle XUI/HTML projects by using UDTT IDE