Development tools : Multi-project development : Managing different components and resources : Adding components from a Global or Common Java Project
Adding components from a Global or Common Java Project
Most commonly global components that are reused in other projects are data and types.
In some places during a transaction definition you need to add a reference to a specific UDTT element already defined in the workspace; for instance, when adding data to a context, when adding a service to a context, when adding a formatter to an operation, adding a type to a data.
In the selection panel, the components are normally organized in three different folders: Local, Global and Import. In a multi-project environment, all components that are available to the local project but are defined in another global java project are listed under the Global directory.
In some other cases, you may want to make a reference to a remote context, for instance when adding a context to a view, an operation or a flow. In this case the selection dialog shows all visible contexts from the local project, either from a global project or from a common project. See the examples below.
Adding remote data to an operation context
Adding local data of a type defined on a global java project
Adding a data element associated to a widget
Adding a remote context to a view
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Managing different components and resources