Development tools : Multi-project development : Managing different components and resources : Adding components from a Global or Common Java Project : Adding local data of a type defined on a global java project
Adding local data of a type defined on a global java project
In some situations, you may want to add some data to your local project data dictionary but reuse some of the already defined types in a global Java project.
1 Go to the local project Definitions > Data Dictionary folder and right-click on the Data table to add a new data.
2 Select the NewChild > Data option.
3 Click the Browse button This graphic is described in the surrounding text. next to RefType in the Detailed Information panel. A list of the possible types is displayed, including those defined in the global java projects shared in your environment.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 In our sample, the remote type is TestBusinessType and is defined in project GJ_Business1Data. From the functional developer perspective, there is no difference between local or remote resources. In this case that the type definition does not come from an import, the only way to check for the project that contains the definition is to navigate through all project definitions in your UDTT perspective, although in most of the cases this is not needed.
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Adding components from a Global or Common Java Project