Development tools : Web services tooling
Web services tooling
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides a simple set of tools that allow you to invoke Web services without requiring you to write any Java code. The UDTT Web services tooling includes a set of wizards that allow you to select and retrieve a WSDL file, select the Web service operation described in the WSDL file that you want to invoke, and create data mappings between the UDTT data model and the Web services data model so that messages can be exchanged between the two.
The Web services tooling included in UDTT allows you to invoke Web services by using two different types of self-defined operations:
A manually generated self-defined operation
A manually generated self-defined operation is a self-defined operation for which the data and the context are created by a developer.
You might choose to invoke Web services by using a manually generated self-defined operation if a UDTT application has already been developed and all the operations required by the application have already been created. If you want to enhance the UDTT application by providing access to Web services through an operation that has already been created, you should invoke Web services by using a manually generated self-defined operation.
For information on how to invoke Web services by using a manually generated self-defined operation, refer to Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation.
An automatically generated self-defined operation
An automatically generated self-defined operation is a self-defined operation for which the data and the context are created by UDTT tooling.
You might choose to invoke Web services by using an automatically generated self-defined operation if the development of the UDTT application for which Web services is required has not yet been completed, and if the operation that is required to invoke Web services has not yet been created. The UDTT Web services tooling automatically derives a UDTT self-defined operation from the Web service operation you want to invoke so that you do not have to manually generate the data, context, formatters, and the services. Invoking Web services by using an automatically generated self-defined operation also means that you do not have to manually create data mappings between the Web services data model and the UDTT data model.
For more information on how to invoke Web services by using an automatically generated self-defined operation, see Invoking Web services by using an automatically generated self-defined operation.
More information
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
Limitations and known issues