Development tools : Web services tooling : Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation
Invoking Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation
To invoke Web services using a manually generated UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) operation, you must first create a Web services connector and then generate a Web services access operation (WSAccessOp). The Web services access operation uses the Web services connector to invoke the Web services that you want to use.
Generating a Web services access operation involves creating data mappings between the UDTT data model and the Web services data model. Data mapping is the process by which links are defined between two different data models so that messages can be passed between the two. Creating data mappings between the UDTT data model and the Web services data model enables data generated from UDTT operations to access the Web services data model so that the Web service can be invoked.
To enable you to invoke Web services by using a manually generated UDTT operation, the UDTT provides the following two wizards:
New Web Services Connector wizard
The New Web Services Connector wizard allows you to do the following tasks:
Select the WSDL file that describes the Web services operation that you want to invoke.
Generate the Web services client that is required to invoke the Web services operation.
Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard
The Generate Web Services Access Operation wizard allows you to create data mappings between the UDTT data model and the Web services data model so that the Web services provider is able to receive and process data sent from the UDTT operation context.
Before you begin
Creating a Web services connector
Creating a Web services access operation
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Web services tooling