Development tools : Web services tooling : Reference : Default type mapping
Default type mapping
The type mapping behavior of UDTT follows the rules in xsd2type-mappings.xml.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The default type mapping could be enabled by the adding a <type-mapping>entry with xsdName=“*” The bttName attribute will be ignored in such a case.
<type-mapping xsdName= "*">
<param-mapping xsdName="maxLength" bttName="maximumLength"/>
If <type-mapping xsdName= "*"> is present:
If an XSD name is not explicitly found in the mappings configuration, a UDTT type with the default mapping will be searched.
If found, the mapping will be applied.
The <param-mapping>entries defined inside this same-name <type-mapping> entry will be used for those restrictions present in that XSD element.
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