Development tools : Web services tooling : Reference : Input fields in the Web services tooling wizards : Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard : Service Information page
Service Information page
On the Service Information page, provide detailed information on the Web services connector that you are creating.
Service Definition
The location of the WSDL file that is used by the Web services connector and the Web services access operation to invoke Web services.
The class of the Web services connector.
Namespace URI
The namespace URI for the Web services connector.
Service Name
The name of the Web service that you want to invoke and implement.
Port Name
The name of the port that the Web services provider is using to receive messages from the Web services requester.
User Name
The user name required by the Web services requester to invoke Web services.
The password used by the user defined above to invoke Web services.
Endpoint address
The URL of the Web services that is being invoked.
Always Generate UDTT Web Services Operation
Select this check box if you want to immediately generate a Web services access operation and create data mappings between the UDTT operation context and the Web services data model. If do not want to immediately generate a Web services access operation and create data mappings between the UDTT operation context and the Web services data model, clear this check box.
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Input fields for the New Web Services Connector wizard