Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : State : Condition
A condition state is an evaluation that the flow processor makes before performing an action. The events returned by the condition state determine what the next state in the flow execution process is. A condition state evaluates its conditions sequentially until a given condition is true. Then it fires the associated event to trigger the following state. Following Figure provides an example of condition state:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The condition state has associated a default event that is fired when no condition evaluates to true.
Note The Default Event property is mandatory.
If the Default Event property is empty, the following error message is displayed:
A value must be specified for the Default Event attribute of all ConditionState elements.
If no transition has been defined for the Default Event property, the following error message is displayed:
No transition has been defined for Default Event with the state [conditionname].
If there is any event with no transition defined, the following warning message is displayed:
There are some events not being used in State: [conditionname] -- [condEvtname, defaultEventTest].
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