Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor
Drawing flows in the flow editor
A flow performs a specific business process based on multiple states. A flow must:
start with only one initial state
end with one or multiple final states
have any other states with correct properties and events
have proper transitions connecting these states assigned. Each transition is assigned with each event.
For more information on flows, see Flows.
To draw a flow in transaction editor
1 Create a UDTT flow file and open it using UDTT Transaction Editor.
2 In the Transaction editor, click the Flow tab.
In the Palette pane, there are State and Transition listed.
3 Add the state you want: see Creating initial state.
To add a Page state, Operation state, or SubFlow state, you can drag the referenced file from the explorer view (in UDTT Perspective, UDTT Project Explorer; in Java EE perspective, Enterprise Explorer) to the Editing area.
4 Set the properties of each state for more usability.
5 Connect the states using transitions.
6 To navigate the element in the Editing area by using the keyboard, use Ctrl+Arrow keys. The element will be focused as if it is hovered over by the mouse, instead of selected as if it is clicked by the mouse. Press Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar or Ctrl+Spacebar to switch between the two status.
7 You can also set the transition type to “do nothing”. This means that the parent page at the client browser is not re-rendered; any changes on the server side are not updated or refreshed on the client side. Use “do nothing” if the transition points to the parent page state, for example, after some operation state.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Binding context to a UDTT Flow
Creating final state
Creating operation subFlow state
Creating subFlow and Popup subFlow state
Creating Page/Popup Page state
Creating JSP page/popup page State
Distributing elements at equal distance in flow editor
Defining event for state
Creating an Enhanced Page state
Creating condition state
Setting data mappings to states or transitions
Setting mapping flow to states and transitions
Connection states using transition
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Transaction editor