Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Creating initial state
Creating initial state
A state is a condition or stage of a flow. A state progresses to the next state when conditions that you specify have been satisfied or when events have been fired.
Note A transaction flow must have only one initial state. If you create more than one initial state, the system will not know which initial state should be used to start a transaction flow, causing the transaction to fail.For detailed information on states, see States.
To create an initial state for a flow
1 In the Enterprise Explorer pane, double-click the transaction file that you want to edit to open the transaction file in the Transaction editor.
2 In the Transaction editor, click the Flow tab.
3 In the Palette pane, click Initial.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 In the Flow tab of the Transaction editor, click on the area at which you want to place the Initial state This graphic is described in the surrounding text. icon. If you want to change the location of the Initial state icon in the Flow tab, drag and drop the Initial state icon to the desired location.
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Drawing flows in the flow editor