Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Creating operation subFlow state
Creating operation subFlow state
The procedure below provides two ways to create an operation subFlow state in the Transaction editor.
1 In the Project Explorer pane, double-click the transaction file that you want to edit.
2 In the Transaction editor, click the Flow tab.
3 Click operation This graphic is described in the surrounding text. subFlow This graphic is described in the surrounding text. in the Palette and then click the position where you want to place the state icon in the Editing area.
If you want to change the location of the state icon, drag and drop it to the desired location.
4 Define the required properties.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In the Operation subFlow field of the General tab, click the Browse icon This graphic is described in the surrounding text..
The Selector opens.
5 In the Selector, select an operation flow for the state, and then click OK.
The operations have normally been already defined by the technical developers when defining the flow. If not, you will have to go first to the Operation tab of the Transaction Editor to create the operations that will participate in your flow. To understand how to create a new operation, go to Creating a UDTT Operation transaction file.
The subflow is a .xml file that is generated from the transaction file in which you select a subflow. Therefore, if you want to select a transaction file as a subflow, you must first generate the .xml transaction file.
6 In the Name field, input a valid state name.
7 Alternatively, if the operationflow that you want to use is in the same project or on the multi-project environment, you can select the OperationFlow file from the Project Explorer, then drag and drop it to the Editing area.
All the properties and events of the file are copied to the state.
The name of the state is the name of the file.
Creating an Operation state by dragging an operation file to the Transaction editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Creating a SubFlow state by dragging a flow to the Transaction editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Drawing flows in the flow editor