Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Creating subFlow and Popup subFlow state
Creating subFlow and Popup subFlow state
Prerequisite: You should prepare a flow to bind with subFlow or Popup subFlow state. The flow bound with popup subFlow state must have:
A final state named close.
A transition name close linked to the final state.
A SubFlow or Popup SubFlow state is used to call another flow. Popup SubFlow only differs from SubFlow in using another popup window. They exist in a transaction flow as a referenced state.
The procedure in this topic describes the creation by using the SubFlow state icon This graphic is described in the surrounding text. or Popup subFlow state icon This graphic is described in the surrounding text.. If the flow that you want to bind has already been prepared, you can drag the flow from the Project Explorer pane to the editing area in the Transaction editor as shown below. The properties and events that have been configured in the flow are copied to the SubFlow state, and the name of the transaction file is displayed on the label of the SubFlow state.
Creating a SubFlow state by dragging a flow to the Transaction editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Here takes SubFlow state as an example.
To create a SubFlow state
1 In the Project Explorer pane, double-click the transaction file that you want to edit.
2 In the Transaction editor, click the Flow tab.
3 In the Palette pane, click SubFlow.
4 In the Flow tab of the Transaction editor, click the area on which you want to place the SubFlow state icon. If you want to change the location of the SubFlow state icon in the Flow tab, drag and drop the SubFlow state icon to the desired location.
5 Bind a flow to the SubFlow state:
Click the SubFlow state icon in the Flow tab.
In the Properties tab of the SubFlow state, click the General tab.
In the Subflow field of the General tab, click the Browse icon This graphic is described in the surrounding text..
The Select Flow window opens.
In the Select Flow window, select the flow that you want to define as the subflow of the transaction flow. Click OK.
Note The subflow is a .xml file that is generated from the transaction file in which you select a subflow. Therefore, if you want to select a transaction file as a subflow, you must first generate the .xml transaction file.
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Drawing flows in the flow editor