Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Setting data mappings to states or transitions
Setting data mappings to states or transitions
In situations where you want to manipulate data from flow context to state context or vice versa, you can set data mappings to either states or transitions. UDTT names this kind of data mapping as data formatter.
Data formatter can be from a context to a context, from a complex expression to a context or vice versa, defining all the data mappings between the two sides. A data formatter may include multiple data mappings. Each of them completes one mapping task.
After user created a data formatter and associated it with the transition or state, the processor, when changing from the source state to the target state (in case of transition mappings) or when entering or exiting one state (in case of state mappings), will call the defined mappings in the data formatter sequentially.
There are two directions for data mapping:
Output Mapping
Applied when going out of the state. It maps data from an expression to the flow context. The expression can be a constant, expression, function or source state context.
Input Mapping
Applied when entering into the state. It maps data from an expression to the target state context. The expression can be a constant, expression, function or flow context.
Mapping behavior
Normally, when defined, state mappings would be called first whenever entering or existing the state. If a transition from or to the state need a different data mapping, users could define a new Transition mapping and set it as ‘Override state mapping’ or ‘Apply after state mapping’ according to different requirements.
Override state mapping
Only the transition mapping will be applied. If the transition mapping is empty, then no mapping will be applied for this transition.
Apply after state mapping
Both state and transition mappings will be applied, first the state mapping and then the transition mapping. In this way, a transition can reuse the state mapping while at the same time selectively override some of those mappings.
To set data mappings to a transition or a state, users could choose to add an existing data formatter or define a new data formatter for it. For defined data formatter, users could update, reorder and remove its data mappings. When the data formatter is not needed, users could remove it from the transition or state.
Defining data formatter
Reusing data formatter
Editing data formatter
Removing data formatter
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Drawing flows in the flow editor