Development tools : Transaction editor : Drawing flows in the flow editor : Setting mapping flow to states and transitions
Setting mapping flow to states and transitions
Mapping flow is specifically used to define Conditional mapping. Conditional mapping is some certain mapping which would be applied under the corresponding condition. Condition mapping is like this:
[Condition][data mapping],[Condition][data mapping]...
Thus, there are two parts in a basic Conditional mapping, a Condition and a data mapping. For complex Conditional mapping, there could be multiple conditions under multiple levels.
Mapping flow is a special kind of flow composed of conditions, transitions and a unique final state, which could conduct complex Conditional mapping on a transition or state. This makes it have both the characteristics of traditional flow and simple data mapping.
Mapping flow resembles traditional flow in structure and appearance. They both have initial state, final state, condition state and transitions except Mapping flow has
Only one initial state with only one start transition.
Only one final state with multiple transitions, if needed.
Only Condition state, no other states like operation state.
Mapping flow resembles simple data mapping in function and operation. They have:
similar selectors to add existing Conditional mapping to a transition or state.
the same steps to remove added Conditional mapping.
the same steps to define the corresponding data mapping of Condition mapping.
Note As for defining Condition, mapping flow uses Condition state as traditional flow does while Data mapping editor uses mapIf, mapElse, mapElseIf.
To set mapping flow to a transition or a state, users could choose to reuse an existing mapping flow or define a new mapping flow for it. For defined mapping flow, users could update, reorder and remove its data mappings. When the mapping flow is not needed, users could remove it from the transition or state.
Note Editing, reusing and removing mapping flow share the similar process with data mapping, just remember to select 'mapping flow' in the first step.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Defining Conditional mapping by mapping flow
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Drawing flows in the flow editor