Development tools : XUI editor : XUI widgets and containers : Widget descriptions : ECA tool support
ECA tool support
The following events, properties, and functions can be configured with the ECA tool.
Events that can be added to a widget by using the ECA tool
Is fired when the left mouse button is clicked.
Is fired when the widget receives focus because the user moves the mouse pointer over the widget.
Is fired when the widget does not receive focus, or when the user clicks outside the widget, or when the widget is hidden.
Is fired when a keyboard key is pressed.
Is fired when a keyboard key is pressed or held down.
Is fired when a keyboard key is released.
Is fired when a mouse button is clicked.
Is fired when a mouse button is released
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves over the widget.
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves out of the widget.
Is fired when the mouse pointer moves over nodes that are contained in the widget.
Properties that can be configured for a widget by using the ECA tool
Property description
The visibility property defines how a widget is displayed on a GUI. The following values can be specified for this property:
The widget is displayed on a GUI and users are able to interact with the widget.
The widget is not displayed on a GUI, but it occupies space on the GUI.
The widget is not displayed on a GUI, and it does not occupy space on the GUI.
This property can be used in the Condition and Actions part of ECA rule.
Disabled elements cannot have focus, do not receive or fire mouse events, cannot receive user input. If you select a value of true for the disabled property, the widget is displayed on a GUI but a user cannot interact with it. Data contained in a disabled widget is not processed when the form is submitted. The default value for the disabled property is false.
This property can be used in the Condition and Actions part of ECA rule.
The hint is a description of the widget that is displayed as a tooltip for a user. The hint property has multilingual support.
This property can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
This property can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
Functions that can be configured for a widget by using the ECA tool
Function description
Returns a value of true if a widget can be focused and a value of false if it cannot be focused.
This function can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
Specifies that the widget should be focused.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
For detailed information on the properties, functions, and events of each widget and container, refer to the following topics.
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Widget descriptions