Development tools : XUI editor
XUI editor
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) XUI editor is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) tool that enables you to design and create user interfaces. XUI is an abbreviation for XML User interface.
XUI editor creates XML-based transaction UI files, which are .xui files. The .xui files are in XML format at development time, and are then converted to Web 2.0 and SWT widgets at runtime by the XUI engine.
XUI editor comprises these parts:
Editing area
The Editing area enables you to design GUIs. You can place the widgets and containers in it to design GUIs.
If you select a widget or container element in the Editing area, you can edit the properties of the element in the Properties view.
Package Explorer
The Package Explorer view, shown by default in the Java perspective, shows the Java element hierarchy of the Java projects in your workbench. It provides you with a Java-specific view of the resources shown in the Navigator.
The Palette view contains the widgets and the containers that are used to create an XUI file.
To add the Palette view to the current perspective, click Window > Show View > Palette.
To customize the Palette, see Customizing the editor palette.
The Palette view displays an outline of the XUI file that is currently opened, and it lists the hierarchy of widgets and containers of the file.
If you click a widget or container element in the Outline view, you can edit the properties of the element in the Properties view.
To add the Outline view to the current perspective, click Window > Show View > Other > General > Outline.
The Palette view displays the properties of a selected widget or container. Edit the properties of the widget and container elements of your XUI file in the Properties view.
Using the XUI editor
For more information on how to use XUI editor to design and create user interfaces, refer to the following sections.
Creating an XUI file
Creating an XUI file by using an XUI template
Generating an XUI page from context data.
Adding title and context for a XUI page.
XUI widgets and containers.
Editing an XUI page.
Reusing XUI page (XUI include widget).
Generating XUI file to JSP file.
Saving XUI file as template.
Previewing XUI page.
Customizing Outline view display format.
Information Help of XUI editor.