Development tools : XUI editor : XUI widgets and containers : Widget descriptions : Table : Context menu of Table
Context menu of Table
Context Menu is a menu with information added in table column, which can launch a pop-up page by left/right clicking a cell.
Developers can find all the properties of Context menu in Menus section of table widget.
Properties for the context menu
This property indicates which cell widget is bound with this menu. When the cell widget is clicked, the menu will pop up.
This property indicates if there is a close button on the pop-up page. The default value is ‘false’.
This property indicates if the pop-up page is invoked by left mouse key (true) or right mouse key (false). The default value is ‘true’.
This property indicates the position of the pop-up page: under the current mouse point (point) or below the current cell (below). The default value is ‘point’.
The toolkit supports only one layer of menu items for each context menu.
This property indicates the identifier for current menu item. When adding a new menu item, a default id with incremental number will be generated automatically. This ID should be unique in one context menu. There will be validation for the global uniqueness of menu item.
This property indicates the content shown in runtime page. When adding a new menu item, a default incremental text will be generated automatically. It provides NLS dialog to choose NLS text from resources. And also, users could also modify the text manually. Note: The text value is linked with the name shown in menu item list.
This property indicates the action type of current menu item. The available options for this property: noAction,link, submit, submit with no data, submit without validation.
options for Type property
This option indicates there will be no feedback when user clicks menu item. There is no more configuration when type is “noAction”.
If this option is selected, the action details could only be set as ‘Launch URL’, and users need to manually input the target URL address. New window. This property indicates whether the response will be shown in a new create page or not. The default value is ‘false”. This property is only available when the action type is set as ‘link’, otherwise, it will be hidden.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This option means the data of selected row will be submitted to server. The menu item may be disabled if there is validation error in current page. The actions for "submit" type are: Change Flow Event, Launch New Flow, and Launch Operation.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
submit without validation
This option means the data of selected row will be submitted to server, just like “save” function. The actions for "submit without validation" type are: Change Flow Event, Launch New Flow, and Launch Operation.
submit with no data
This option means the action will only ask to change sever state but there will be no data submit, just like “cancel” function. The actions for "submit with no data" type are: Change Flow Event, Launch New Flow, and Launch Operation.
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