Development tools : XUI editor : XUI widgets and containers : Containers Description : TabbedPane : ECA editor support
ECA editor support
The TabbedPane does not have events. The events are associated to the containers (ContentPane) that are inside the TabbedPane. The following properties and functions can be configured for the TabbedPane widget with the ECA editor.
Properties that can be configured for the TabbedPane widget by using the ECA editor
This property can be used in the Condition part of ECA rule.
This property can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The visibility property specifies how a widget is displayed on a GUI. Only the following values can be specified for the visibility property of the TabbedPane widget:
The widget is displayed on a GUI and users are able to interact with the widget.
The widget is not displayed on a GUI, and it does not occupy space on the GUI.
The visibility property can be used in the Condition and Actions part of ECA rule.
The hint is a description of the widget that is displayed as a tooltip for a user. The hint property has multilingual support.
This property can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
This property can be used in the Condition and Actions part of ECA rule.
Functions that can be configured for the TabbedPane widget by using the ECA editor
The closeChildByIndex function closes a tab page. An index is used to specify the tab page that closes.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The closeChildById function closes a tab page. An identifier is used to specify the tab page that closes.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The selectChildByIndex function displays a tab page. An index is used to specify the tab page that is displayed.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The selectChildById function displays a tab page. An identifier is used to specify the tab page that is displayed.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The hideTabByIndex function hides a tab page. An index is used to specify the tab page that is going to be hidden.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The showTabByIndex function shows a tab page. An index is used to specify the tab page that is going to be shown.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The hideTabById function hides a tab page. An identifier of contained ContentPane is used to specify the tab page that is going to be hidden.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
The showTabById function shows a tab page. An identifier of contained ContentPane is used to specify the tab page that is going to be shown.
This function can be used in the Actions part of ECA rule.
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