Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of the XUI widgets : Binding data to the XUI widgets : Mapping an XUI file to the data model
Mapping an XUI file to the data model
To enable data to be submitted to a server from the user interface and to enable data to be displayed on the user interface, you must bind your XUI files to the UDTT data model. This topic describes how to bind an XUI file to the UDTT data model.
To bind an XUI file to the UDTT data model, you must specify a context for the XUI file. A context is an object that is used to define and encapsulate data. For example, when a customer enters their name and account number into a banking application, the information is sent to and stored in a context. For more information on contexts, see Contexts.
There are two different types of contexts:
Global context
A global context defines and encapsulates data that can be shared across several application pages. For example, a session context can be used across many pages because it is a common function and not specific to a particular function.
Self-defined context
A self-defined context defines and encapsulates data that cannot be shared across application pages. For example, if there is a deposit page for a banking application, you must create a self-defined context that is related to this page only.
To specify a context for an XUI file
1 In the XUI editor area, click outside the root container.
2 In the Properties view for the XUI editor, click Select context.
The Please select a context window is opens.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 In the Please select a context window, select the context that you want to bind to the XUI file. Click OK.
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Binding data to the XUI widgets