Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of the XUI widgets : NLS support : Using NLS elements
Using NLS elements
The following instruction helps you to better understand how to quickly find the key or value you want.
There are two ways to search for NLS element you want: Search inside workspace and Search inside file. Note that when you chose to search inside workspace, Keyword Bar would be disabled so that you can't search inside file.
In both ways, you can use Advanced options for smarter search:
Select a language locale in the language bar (see NLS support). This means the search will be done only on files with that locale.
Choose case sensitive or not.
Choose diacritical marks sensitive or not. "Diacritical sensitive" means the search will be done only on those have the exact diacritical marks.
Search inside workspace
Its basic functionality is to allow users search for a text among all the properties files in the workspace. The following procedure provides detailed steps:
Type a value in the input text box of the Search Bar. Then the search button is activated.
Click the search button or press Enter to invoke the search. The window searches the input text on both key and value elements of all the properties files in the workspace. During the execution, a progress bar appears, showing the number or files with properties that match the search criteria, and the file name that is being scanned at that moment.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If the search criteria has one or more match, the File List panel on the left would list all the files that have the matched element, each file with a number in the right bracket that corresponds to the number of occurrences in that file. And the Element List on the right would list all the properties that match the criteria. At the bottom of the window, there is a message indicating that user should select a property value from the list to proceed.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If the search criteria has no match, a message informing the situation is raised and no element is shown. Then you can return to the initial state by pressing Reload or Cancel button on the Search Bar. You can refer to more information about them in the last two section of this page.
Search inside file
Its basic functionality is to allow users search for a text in one selected file. The following procedure provides detailed steps:
1 Firstly select a file from File List panel. Then Element List would display all the NLS elements in the selected file. If the file has a short list, you can directly select the NLS element from the list. If the list is long, you can go on to invoke Search inside file.
2 Input a value in the input text box of the Keyword Bar. Element List would display the match result instantly as you type. If there is no match, Element List would be blank.
3 Clear the input text box or select another file would start another Search inside file.
Reload means the window returns to the initial state that no property file or property value is selected. You can click the reload button at the Search Bar.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If there is a file selected on the left side, user “Ctrl+Click” on that file, the behavior is the same as clicking the reload button. If user takes any of these two actions, the result will be:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Cancel means the window returns to the initial state that no search was done. You can click the cancel button at the Search Bar.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The result will be:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.