1 Create a new properties file in the location of NLS folder. Name the file in this way [ProjectName]_[ language]_[locale].properties.
Use the list of language locale to indicate the language:
▪ en_US (English)
▪ zn_CN (Mandarin)
▪ es_ES (Spanish)
▪ ja_JP (Japanese)
▪ fr_FR (French)
▪ ko (Korean)
For example, the Korean NLS property file name for bttsample should be named as bttsample_ko.properties.
2 Add new NLS items for this file. Here we take text property of a label widget as an example. Open index.xui file and click on browse of the label properties. For more ways to use NLS, see Launching the NLS window.
3 Click on the file bttsample.properties and Select language locale, ko.
4 Click Add, and then enter the new item in the dialog box.
You can provide values with parameters whenever an NLS property is being edited. If the value text has parameters, the parameters box is displayed:
If parameters are required, the OK button is disabled until parameter values are provided.
5 Repeat step 2 to 4 to add new items for the NLS file.
6 Select the item you want to link to the widget, and then click OK.