Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of a table : Creating multi-header of a table
Creating multi-header of a table
The page introduces how to create multi-header which has multiple rows as the header of a table.
A header cell in a table indicates the meaning or purpose of the whole column. When the table needs more than one rows as the header for special purpose (as the following figure), users can create multi-header. Usually in this scenario, you need to merge some header cells, such columnA and columnB. This is also included in this task.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Specify the value for headerRows in Properties section.
As shown below, the value is 2.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Add the columns.
Each cell in multi-header takes for one column. Thus, there is 7 columns.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Select the 'browse' button beside the text field. In the pop-up windows, set the title name, header level, and span.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Text: Column 0 and 1 are named columnA and columnB; Column 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are named column0, column1, column2, column3, and column4.
Header level: Column 0 and 1 are in level 1( Row 1); Column 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are in level 2 (Row 2).
Column Span: Column 0 merged 2 columns; Column 1 merged 3 columns.
Hidden Data: Column 0 and 1 have only header cells, but no body cells; Column 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 have both header cells and body cells.
Here takes Column 0 and Column 2 as an example.
For Column 0, set the Text as columnA; set the Header level as 1; Column Span as 2, Row Span as 1; and check Hidden Data.
For Column 2, set the Text as column0; set the Header level as 2; Column Span as 1, Row Span as 1; and leave the Hidden Data unchecked.
4 Adjust the width of each header cell. Make sure the merged header cells fits the situation.
In this case:
columnA = column0+column1
columnB = column2+column3+column4
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Editing the properties of a table