Development tools : XUI editor : Editing an XUI page : Editing the properties of a table : Adding multiple widgets in one column
Adding multiple widgets in one column
Usually developers can add one widget from Widget in Table column to a column, such as a submit button or a text. In the special scenario when customers need to use multiple widgets in one column, you can follow this task. In this way, the available widgets include:
1 Select the column you want to add multiple widgets and add a new widget named as 'CellWidgetGroup'. It combines several available widgets as a group.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Click the 'Define' button to edit the multiple widgets in this group.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Select the widget type from the available widgets, and then click the '+' button.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Specify the properties. For details, see Widget in Table column.
'cellWidgetId' is auto-generaterd and the format is "columnId_widget_index". You can change the ID, but make sure the ID is unique.
For image and label: 'cellWidgetDataName' is DataName property.
5 Add Action for the widget.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Button in the cell may change flow event, launch new flow and launch new operation.
Link in the cell may change flow event, launch new flow, launch new operation and launch URL.
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Editing the properties of a table